61,433 research outputs found

    Microwave induced elastic deformation of a metallic thin film

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    The microwave induced elastic deformation of a metallic thin film is computed numerically and we found that the deformation can be significantly enhanced at resonance. We show that an analytical transmission line model can reproduce the numerical results almost quantitatively and at the same time reveal the underlying physics.Comment: 8 pages,3 figure

    Fermion Generations and Mixing from Dualized Standard Model

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    We review a possible solution to the fermion generation puzzle based on a nonabelian generalization of electric--magnetic duality derived some years ago. This nonabelian duality implies the existence of another SU(3) symmetry dual to colour, which is necessarily broken when colour is confined and so can play the role of the ``horizontal'' symmetry for fermion generations. When thus identified, dual colour then predicts 3 and only 3 fermion generations, besides suggesting a special Higgs mechanism for breaking the generation symmetry. A phenomenological model with a Higgs potential and a Yukawa coupling constructed on these premises is shown to explain immediately all the salient qualitative features of the fermion mass hierarchy and mixing pattern, excepting for the moment CP-violation. Calculations already carried out to 1-loop order is shown to give with only 3 adjustable parameters the following quantities all to within present experimental error: all 9 CKM matrix elements ∣Vrs∣|V_{rs}| for quarks, the neutrino oscillation angles or the MNS lepton mixing matrix elements ∣Uμ3∣,∣Ue3∣|U_{\mu 3}|, |U_{e 3}|, and the mass ratios mc/mt,ms/mb,mμ/mτm_c/m_t, m_s/m_b, m_\mu/m_\tau. The special feature of this model crucial for deriving the above results is a fermion mass matrix which changes its orientation (rotates) in generation space with changing energy scale, a feature which is shown to have direct empirical support.Comment: updated version of course of lectures given at the 42nd Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, 2002, Polan

    Heuristic scheduling algorithms for dedicated and flexible manufacturing systems

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    Statistics Of The Burst Model At Super-critical Phase

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    We investigate the statistics of a model of type-I X-ray burst [Phys. Rev. E, {\bf 51}, 3045 (1995)] in its super-critical phase. The time evolution of the burnable clusters, places where fire can pass through, is studied using simple statistical arguments. We offer a simple picture for the time evolution of the percentage of space covered by burnable clusters. A relation between the time-average and the peak percentage of space covered by burnable clusters is also derived.Comment: 11 Pages in Revtex 3.0. Two figures available by sending request to [email protected]

    Space shuttle contamination due to backflow from control motor exhaust

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    Spacecraft contamination of the space shuttle orbiter and accompanying Spacelab payloads is studied. The scattering of molecules from the vernier engines and flash evaporator nozzle after impingement on the orbiter wing surfaces, and the backflow of molecules out of the flash evaporator nozzle plume flow field due to intermolecular collisions in the plume are the problems discussed. A method was formulated for dealing with these problems, and detailed results are given

    Theory of enhanced performance emerging in a sparsely-connected competitive population

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    We provide an analytic theory to explain Anghel et al.'s recent numerical finding whereby a maximum in the global performance emerges for a sparsely-connected competitive population [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 058701 (2004)]. We show that the effect originates in the highly-correlated dynamics of strategy choice, and can be significantly enhanced using a simple modification to the model.Comment: This revised version will appear in PRE as a Rapid Com
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